Embrace A Few Negatives

Sheehan Shukla
3 min readFeb 26, 2021


Times when your negative attitude makes you a positive

A hundred percent positive outlook in life is a myth and should remain so. Nothing, however negative or bleak it may seem, is downright bad.

Our entire world is created on a balance. Balance between good and bad, virtuous and evil, positive and negative, yin and yang, black and white, and so on.

Nothing can better summarize it than Newton’s third law of motion. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

If I may twist it, I’ll say — Every positive hides a shade of negative in it, and every negative harbors a streak of positive, however thin it may be, within.

Denying some advises, refusing to pay heed to some opinions does not make you a deep-dyed negativity fan. Instead, it tells others (should they make an effort to listen) that you’ve struck the tricky balance between positive and negative.

That the balance, in your case, is evenly poised.

Powerful Words You Must Ignore

In life, you will meet many who will impart powerful words of discouragement when you embark upon the arduous journey of making your passion your career.

Do not listen to them. Take the tour.

You may not become an overnight success. Very few do, and most of them, usually, throw it away. However, important lessons will be learnt along the way regardless of the outcome. And the destination will be worth it.

Fight For It

There are many who desire heaven for themselves but wish their neighbor could perform the dying act for them. Don’t be that person.

Do not shy away from the hard part. Beyond it lies your paradise.

I once read somewhere that superheroes are not only those who are bestowed with some extraordinary powers, but also those who work everyday jobs to provide for their family all the while working on their passion in silence. So that one day they have enough, of experience, money, and courage, to go chase their dream.

Carve Your Own Idol

There will be many who will goad you to emulate an idol — their idol — to be successful in life which actually means ‘to be successful in their eyes’.

Offer a vehement No to such advises.

Carve out your own personality with all your idiosyncrasies intact.

No Other Person Knows You Better Than You

Many will either exaggerate your abilities or downright undermine them from time to time. Refuse to pay any heed to their words.

Work hard to stay humble yet motivated.

Be Brazenly Honest About It

At times, you will be hard-pressed to discount your blunders. Do not do that.

Shamelessly acknowledge them and make amends asap. Laugh with others in your fall, but work in seclusion to make your next flight a smooth sailing.

All in all, always be in your own skin. Because no one else’s is as comfortable.



Sheehan Shukla

Words never fail anyone. It’s the individual vocabulary that falls short. . .